What are you looking for?


Do you have a question? Below you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.


How can I contact Ruysdael Slaapkliniek?

We can be contacted by phone every working day from 9.15 – 12.00 AM for all questions.

Especially on Mondays it can be very busy on the phone. We ask you kindly to fill in a contactform on our website. We will call you back or send you an email.

Where is Ruysdael Slaapkliniek located?

Ruysdael Slaapkliniek has branches in Amsterdam, Hilversum, The Hague, Oisterwijk and Rotterdam.

Why are you calling me with a 020 number? Or with an anonymous number?

Most of our administration and secretariat is done from Amsterdam. That is why we call with a 020 number. But we can make appointments for all locations from Amsterdam and we are in constant contact with all doctors at all locations.

You can also be called by an anonymous number, this is often for practical reasons. Not answering? Then we will try again later or send you an email.

Can I take someone with me to my appointment?

You may bring a maximum of 1 other person to your appointment.

Is there an elevator in the clinic?

In Amsterdam there is an elevator to our clinic on the second floor.

What is the patient portal?

You can view your own medical data in the patient portal. There you will also find the questionnaires that you must complete prior to your appointment. You will receive an invitation to the patient portal in the confirmation email.

The patient portal is still under development, more functionalities will be added in the near future. The portal is not yet available in English.


Waiting times and how to make an appointment 

When can I visit the Ruysdael Sleep Clinic for a first appointment?

In general, you can see one of our doctors within 1 to 2 weeks. For some branches or doctors, the waiting time can be longer. Read more about the waiting times.

For treatments at the neurologist you often first undergo a sleep study, after which you get an appointment with a doctor.

How can I make an appointment?

To make an appointment you need a referral letter from your general practitioner or another treating physician. We will not make an appointment without a referral. The referral letter can be sent to us by your doctor via Zorgdomein.

If you have received an email from Zorgdomein that your referral letter has been sent, you can contact us to make an appointment. You can call us between 9:15 am – 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. You can also email via the contact form. Then we will contact you.

Sleep study

When will I hear on which date my sleep study will take place?

The sleep study takes place at your home. You will receive an email from Vivisol with an appointment proposal. This email is generally sent within 10 working days after you have been registered for the sleep study by Ruysdael Slaapkliniek. Read more about the sleep study.

When will I get the results of the sleep study?

After 2 to 3 weeks, Vivisol will send the data from the sleep study to your doctor at the Ruysdael Slaapkliniek. You will then be called by the doctor to discuss the diagnosis and possible treatment plan. You may then be called using an anonymous number.

If you have an appointment with the neurologist after the sleep study, we will contact you to schedule this appointment.

I have a missed call from the doctor about the sleep study, what to do?

The doctor will call you again. It is not possible to call the doctor back yourself.


I want to request a prescription, how does that work?

Prescriptions can be requested through your GP. The GP has received a report of your treatment, including information about the prescribed medication.

Has it been agreed with you that the repeat prescription will go through Ruysdael Slaapkliniek? Fill in the contact form. Don’t forget to clearly state your name and date of birth. We will contact you.

I have a question for the doctor about my treatment

If you have a question about your treatment, you can ask it by email or fill in the contact form. We will contact you. It is not possible to call the clinic and speak to the doctor.

I have a question about my CPAP

If you have problems with your CPAP device or your mask, you can contact Vivisol directly.

The number you can call is also listed on your CPAP device.


Insurance and invoice

Will my treatment be reimbursed by the health insurer?

Yes, your treatment at the Ruysdael Sleep Clinic is reimbursed by your health insurer. You only pay your deductible. We have listed  information about this for you.

I have received an invoice from you. What should I do now?

You will have to submit the invoice to your health insurance company. You can use the step-by-step plan that comes with the invoice for this. You do not have to advance the bill yourself, you can wait until the health insurance pays. Read more about submitting the invoice to your health insurance.

Can I also pay the amount of my deductible that I have to pay myself in installments?

You can pay in installments in consultation with the Ruysdael Sleep Clinic. Send your request about this by e-mail to the e-mail address of our financial administration stated in the invoice.